Letter From The Secretary General

Secretary General
Abdrahman Hyari
Dear delegates,
As secretary general of this esteemed conference, I am honored to welcome you all to our 14th
AsriyyaMUN conference this year. We are more than excited to see you all at the Landmark hotel this
year to witness heated debates and make unforgettable memories.
AsriyyaMUN has always proved to be a unique conference gathering people from different
ethnicities and backgrounds, giving you the opportunity to meet new people and discover new cultures.I ensure you that this memorable conference is going to give you a once in a lifetime experience where you put your great minds to work and come up with bright ideas.
Participating in this conference gives you an insight to the workings of the United Nations,
improves your diplomatic skills and boosts your debating abilities. Make sure to come well-prepared so
you can make the most out of this experience and engage in many action-packed debates where agile
reactions are required to prove your points.
I hope that your involvement in AsriyyaMUN’25 inspires future leadership and diplomatic traits
in hopes to make the world a better, safer and more peaceful place. On behalf of our MUN team, I want to say how thrilled we are to see what you can achieve while putting in your maximum efforts during our conference.
Abdrahman Hyari