Disarmament and International Security
Letter From the President

Hello delegates My name is Nour Hawash, a graduate from Al Asriyya Schools, and I will be the president of both General Assembly committees for this year’s conference. It is with great honor that I welcome you all to the General Assembly committees at the 14th annual AsriyyaMUN conference.
This year, we will be engaging debates about significant and serious topics that are influencing the world we live in, like preventing terrorists from obtaining biological weapons, how international arms transfers affect regional conflicts, the need for international cooperation to help countries that are hosting significant refugee populations, and the ongoing humanitarian crises in Gaza.
I urge each of you to delve deeply into these significant topics and contribute your knowledge and enthusiasm to our discussions. When we work together, we can motivate change and help create significant solutions.
I look forward to a productive and encouraging conference with all of you!